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Dental implants

At Slipshoe Street Dental Practise we look to make sure our patients are full aware of the detail around Dental Implants. If you need more info please contact us.

Natural looking implants

Tooth decay, periodontal disease, infection and injury may lead to loss of teeth. Our highly experienced Implantologist, Dr Ahmed Hawas provides implants on a private basis and offers post-care advice.

Please contact the practice for further information on 01737 221750

What is a dental implant?

Dental implants are the modern standard of care for tooth replacement. A dental implant acts as an artificial tooth root when placed in the jawbone. It is made of titanium, a metal well documented for integrating with human bone. Dental implants look and feel like natural teeth and can last a lifetime when looked after properly.
Dental implants are an ideal solution for replacing a single missing tooth, several missing teeth or all of your teeth.

Benefits of dental implants

Since the 1960s, dental implants have been used successfully to treat millions of people worldwide as a long-term solution for renewed quality of life. They eliminate the need to grind down healthy adjacent teeth as required by traditional crown and bridge procedures, help maintain facial structures and the bone in the jaw, eliminate the use of denture adhesives and help to eliminate the discomfort of ill-fitting dentures.

What to expect


The first appointment takes approximately 45 minutes. Dr Hawas will examine and take photos of your existing teeth to determine the optimal implant position. A 3D scan is usually necessary to visualize the bone in 3D. He will use this time to discuss your treatment options and concerns. From this a written treatment plan outlining all your options will be provided via email or letter.


Dental implants are placed into the bone in a relatively pain-free procedure. The bone and gums will be given time to heal before an abutment and crown are attached.In most cases you can receive some type of temporary teeth the same day the implant is placed.


Your final crown will be fitted once the implant has integrated, restoring your natural smile.

Are our implants different?

At Slipshoe Street Dental Surgery we use the best quality and most renowned dental implants in the world. We use either the Astra EV or Straumann implant systems.

These implant brands have over 40 years of clinical research and are the leading brands in implant dentistry. They allow for shorter healing times, less chair-time for you as a patient and give the confidence of predictable long-term and aesthetic results.

Can anyone have dental implants?

Dental implants are suitable for most adults who are in good general health and have healthy gums. They aren't suitable for children and young people under 18 because the underlying bones are still growing.

Your dentist may not recommend dental implants if you:

  • Are a smoker?
  • Have had radiotherapy to your jaw area?
  • Have diabetes which isn't well-controlled?
  • Suffer with gum (periodontal) disease?

However, each case is different. Tell your dentist about any medical problems you have, and they'll let you know if implants are an option for you.

Is Timing Important?

Once a tooth is lost, the bone around it begins to disappear. So the earlier an implant is placed, the more bone can be preserved, thus avoiding other procedures such as bone grafting.

Preventive Care

Here at Slipshoe Street we put prevention of disease and maintenance of oral/dental health above all else. This can help prevent the need for treatment.

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